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Jean-Marc Leynet

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He provides you with a guarantee on the authenticity of your collector's item through his expertise based on meticulous research work and his knowledge of the sports collection market, in this field he is a specialist in determining the nature, origin and time of manufacture of the art item or collection in order to authenticate it. It can also detect the transformations, restorations, alterations and repairs of your items and indicate an average estimated range in negotiation value.

Recognized by many prestigious auction houses such as Coutau Begarie, Millon, Art-Valorem, Lynda Trouvé, Briscadieu etc… Jean-Marc Leynet is also a consultant for the Musée du Basket, the french tennis and football federations and the Nicollin Museum.

We are at your disposal to assist you in setting up an auction of your sports collectibles.

Expertise and authentication are free for all objects entrusted to us for auctions.

Certificates of authenticity are available free of charge on request for lots purchased at auction.

If football clearly occupies the largest market share with the countless sales of shirts worn during matches by professional players, all sports are concerned.

Cycling, Olympism, rugby, basketball and many other sports are often represented in the auction room.

There are also many collectibles related to planetary events such as the Football World Cup, the Olympic Games or Le Tour de France.

  • All sports equipment that has been used in official competitions:
    Worn and/or signed jerseys, shorts, balls, tracksuits, jackets, overalls, shoes, gloves, rackets and any old items for the practicing sport in competition.

  • All official awards such as trophies, medals, diplomas, etc.

  • Items with a heritage and historical dimension such as Olympic torches, official or brand posters, winners' medals, etc.

  • Thematic collectibles such as Panini albums, mascots, match tickets, programs, etc.